Friday, October 10, 2014

¡Las fotografías de nuestro viaje!

The Long Trail

A fire tower we so fondly remembered from the AT

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A view from the top of a ski area

The Heady Topper was really worth all the hype!

A moment to soak it all in

Maple syrup farm

Drying ourselves out atop a fire tower
Climbing to the top of Jay Peak
The tree cut at the Canadian border

Long Trail Ale's to celebrate the completion of the Long Trail!

A few days visit to Surry, NH to spend some time with our very sweet friends, Red Lobster & LJ - a couple who met on the AT & are now happily married
Pacific Crest Trail, cont'd

Soaking up the sun

A very safe crossing?

Glacier Peak

You can see the PCT zigzagging down the side of the mountain

Reunited with Sweet Tooth & Pants Off Dance Off who were also out, completing the rest of their thru-hike from last year

The trail took us next to some giant pine & cedars

Touching a glacier

Dinner & breakfast we packed out from Stehekin Bakery - we had already shoved a few of these down our gullets...but there always seemed to be room for more!

North Cascades National Park

A lovely campsite just north of Rainy Pass

The first threat of snow at 7,000 ft turned out to just be cold, windy & frosty

Avalanche damage

Staying toasty

35 miles to go to the border!

Took my hat off & my hair was stuck that way

Enjoying our views on our final day of hiking on the U.S. portion of the PCT

The border!

Tree cut at the border on the other side of the country - twice in one summer was pretty special